Since April 2024 I resumed working on EU projects, such as Horizon Europe collaborative research projects, and European Innovation Council (EIC). The work includes assisting the consortium with the preparation of the proposal, developing of the consortium, entering data in the EC portal, as well as critical reading of the proposal. I have been active in the initiation and preparation of EU projectד, as well as evaluation of EU proposals, between 2005-2017.

In March 2024, I started working on hydrogen-related projects. These include i) project development at MAFAT, the Israeli Ministry of Defense R&D Directorate, ii) hydrogen training courses; iii) business development for startup, scaleups and large organizations; iv) presentations at international conferences.

From Jan 2016 till Feb 2024, I served as innovation attaché at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel, and was part of the Netherlands Innovation Network (NIN) of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

In 2016, I established the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) and developed R&D cooperation between Dutch and Israeli private, public and governmental organizations. My work focused on four societal challenges (energy transition, health & care, agri & food & water, and security), as well as on Key Emerging Technologies (KETs), such as AI, photonics, quantum technology, 5G.

I developed and moderated a series of Dutch Israeli mini symposia that focus on different topics. During these mini symposia the state-of-the art knowledge was shared and the basis for R&D and business cooperation was established.

In 2020, I started focusing on hydrogen and transferred knowledge from the Netherlands to Israel, developed H2-related, such as NL-IL webinars and a summer school on the planning and designing of hydrogen valleys.